My love for you

My love for you will continue like this way, with these hands I ask the sky "Don't leave me". The days are repeated, are so common, I am not afraid of anything, be able to awaken together tomorrow is something natural not think? I feel protected by your strong gaze, it would be great to be able to stop the time today. I want to see your face, illuminated by many flashes of light; so my love for you will be forever, with these hands I ask the sky: "Don't leave me", no matter what happens, I will accept you, I want to grow with you, because I don't want any complaints or claims of no one other than you. I still remember the sweet moment that I met you for the first time and when I think of that, I still feel it was a blessing, I didn't want you to notice the tears that ran down my cheeks,I looked down slowly, I said I love you and my words trembled slightly so that my love for you will be forever. I swear to the sky that your hands will not go anyw...